Source code for get_sleep_data
.. module:: get_sleep_data
:synopsis: Example code to demonstrate how to "GET" JSON data from Jawbone UP API
.. moduleauthor:: Jocelyn T. Dunn <>
import sys
from access_jawbone import *
[docs]def main():
To compile this example code, run the command: ``python user_email user_password &``
* **EXAMPLE_1 :** "GET" the bulk of sleep event data
* Use :py:func:`access_jawbone.args_store` to receive the command-line arguments
* arg1 - ``user_email`` associated with Jawbone account
* arg2 - ``user_password`` associated with Jawbone account
* arg3 - ``data request url`` for this example ````
* Run :py:func:`access_jawbone.authenticate` for secure access to jawbone data
:returns: ``security token``
* Employ :py:func:`access_jawbone.get_data` to "GET" sleep data from Jawbone API
:returns: ``user xid, event xid, date, sleep time, awake time, number of awakenings, duration of sleep event, quality score, etc.``
* Operate on JSON data dictionary and use JSON.dumps to print in readable format
* Convert timestamps into a readable format with :py:func:`access_jawbone.format` function
* Create list of sleep events 'xid' which serve as the input for **EXAMPLE_2**
:returns: ``'xid' for each sleep event``
* **EXAMPLE_2 :** "GET" detailed data about sleep phases
* Operate on the list of sleep events 'xid' obtained in **EXAMPLE_1**
* Insert sleep event ``xid[item]`` into detailed data request url ``'' + xid[item] + '/ticks'``
* Employ :py:func:`access_jawbone.get_data` to "GET" detailed sleep phase data
:returns: ``timing of sleep phases (1=awake, 2=light sleep, 3=sound sleep)``
#EXAMPLE_1: Get sleep data from url ''
# Use 'args_store' function to save the command-line arguments: :arg1:, :arg2:, :arg3:
[user, passwd, link] = args_store(sys.argv)
# Run 'authenticate' function for access to jawbone data
token = authenticate(user, passwd)
# Run 'get_data' function to submit JSON request to jawbone API
# Note adding '&limit=50' to data_url changes the output limit (default is limit=10)
link = link + ('&limit=15')
data = get_data(link, token)
# Operate on the returned JSON data as a python dictionary
# Note that, for this data_url, the returned JSON data contains "meta" and "data"
meta = data['meta']
data2 = data['data']
# Use JSON.dumps to print the resturned JSON data in a readable format
# Use 'format' function to convert timestamps into a readable format
print '\n\n' + "SLEEP DATA for " + user
print "Fetched on " + str(format(meta['time']))
# Print "meta"
print '\n' + "META"
print json.dumps(meta, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
# Print keys of "data" dictionary
print '\n' + "KEYS"
print json.dumps(data2.keys(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
# Note that, for this "data", the keys include "size", "link", and "items"
items = data['data']['items']
size = data['data']['size']
# Print the "size" (or number of "items")
print '\n' + "SIZE"
print json.dumps(size, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
# Print the most recent sleep event (which is the first "item")
item = 0
print '\n' + "ITEM " + str(item+1) + " of " + json.dumps(size, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
print json.dumps(items[item], indent=4, sort_keys=True)
# Store the sleep event 'xid' for each "item"
print '\n' + "LIST OF SLEEP EVENTS: 'xid' for each ITEM"
# Note that 'xid' are used in EXAMPLE_2 to get more detailed data about each sleep event
xid = []
for row in items:
print json.dumps(xid, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
#EXAMPLE_2: Get sleep phases, by adding event 'xid' into url '[xid]/ticks'
# Need 'xid' from the list of sleep events obtained in EXAMPLE_1
item = 0
# Add 'xid' to the data_url request for detailed information about each sleep event
link2 = str('' + xid[item] + '/ticks')
# Run 'get_data' functon with this new data request link
data2 = get_data(link2, token)
print '\n' + "SLEEP PHASES for ITEM " + str(item+1)
print json.dumps(data2, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':